Soeben erhielten wir aus den USA die traurige Nachricht vom Hinschied einer bekannten amerikanischen Grösse in der Fliegenfischer Szene. Mel war eine liebenswerte Persönlichkeit, welcher sein Wissen mit Begeisterung auf junge Fliegenfischer übertrug. Er wird der Szene fehlen.
H.R. Hebeisen
Die erste Nachricht von Fanny erhielten wir am 24. September und die letzte Nachricht heute morgen am 8. Oktober.
24. September 2008
Dear Friends:
Mel was scheduled for a brain biopsy last Thursday to determine
if and what brain tumor he might have that has made him so sick for the
past 2 months. The biopsy was postponed until this coming Thursday,
Sept. 25th. Meanwhile, he is getting weaker each day.
I would like to propose an experiment, call it crazy if you
want, but who knows? If each of us would concentrate for one minute
each day for the next few days to send Mel some "Energy" via what feels
best: a prayer, a wish, a thought, an image of health, a poem, anything
that might give him the strength to pull through these very difficult
days. You might even think of others who might have been touched by Mel
and would like to participate in sending him back to good health.
Miracles do happen, I hear and I am hoping that together we can
work one for Mel.
My most sincere thanks for doing what you can for a man who has
connected with so many of us.
8. Oktober 2008
Mel has passed this morning.
I dont have e-mails for the board of the FFF. If you could let people
know, that would be great.
Thanks Barbara